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From the Business Office

The Business Office of Grand River Academy All Male Boarding School strives to keep parents of our current students “in the loop” on current policies. As such, we update any information or policy changes here in one easy-to-access spot.

The business office will no longer be able to provide cash to students. We recommend sending your son to school with either a debit card attached to a bank account to which you are able to deposit funds or a prepaid Visa/Mastercard/Amex. If you have any questions about this, please contact Mrs. Heather Clark in the Business Office at or (440) 275-2811.


Make a Payment

Domestics Families

If you need to pay boarding school fees to Grand River Academy from inside the United States, secure payments can be made through CompuWerx using the button below.

Student ID = lastnamefirstinitial (ex: DoeJ)

When using international cards, be sure to use GRA's address.

International Families

If you're paying boarding school fees to Grand River Academy from outside of the United States, you can use Fly Wire to make tuition payments using the button below.